At CINHM (or California Institute of naturopathic and homeopathic medicine), we believe that natural medicines are most effective when used under the guidance of a trained practitioner whose education, knowledge, and experience are invaluable in addressing patient needs. Accordingly, our products are only available to patients through healthcare practitioners who purchase the products directly from us. As a result of our steadfast commitment to practitioners and their essential role in the proper use of our products, CINHM does not sell products directly to patients.
We expect practitioners to utilize our products only in the context of an appropriate practitioner/patient relationship. Unrestricted sales of CINHM products in a retail setting or over the internet does not afford patients the protection or the benefits we expect practitioners to provide.
CINHM recognizes the increasing use of online communication between practitioners and their patients. In order to accommodate this while protecting the interests of practitioners and patients, CINHM only permits internet sales by practitioners as described herein.
Practitioners who desire to provide their patients with online ordering/re-ordering of CINHM products may do so with a private patient code and/or password (collectively, “code”), the purpose of which is to allow each patient to purchase online in the same manner he/she would in the practitioner’s office. A code may only be given to patients who have established and maintained an appropriate healthcare relationship with the practitioner. A code may not be visible on the website or other marketing materials, or otherwise made available in any way to anyone other than the practitioner’s current patients.
All information related to CINHM products (with certain limited exceptions) and their prices must be visible only to those patients who have obtained a code as described above.
Practitioners may resell CINHM products online on a proprietary website that is owned or controlled by the practitioner. CINHM products may not be advertised or sold on third-party websites (i.e. Amazon, Craigslist, eBay, etc.) CINHM products may not be offered as part of an Affiliate Marketing Program.
Practitioners may not claim or suggest that CINHM products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. CINHM reserves the right to review any practitioner’s website or other product-related materials at any time and may require the practitioner to make changes in order to comply with applicable FDA or FTC regulations, any other applicable laws or regulations, or CINHM policies.
Images of CINHM trademarks and/or pictures of containers bearing CINHM labels may only be used with our written permission. CINHM trademarks and labels may not be affixed to anything except a CINHM product. Practitioners agree to use the symbols ™ and ® as appropriate to indicate CINHM ownership of its trademarked names or products. Use of a CINHM trademark does not grant a practitioner any ownership, right, title, or interest in the trademark.
Pharmacies and medical clinics are allowed to sell CINHM products in a physical retail-like setting provided that products are kept behind the counter or in a designated professional only area and/or are sold in conjunction with consultation by a healthcare professional.
CINHM reserves the right not to sell its products to any practitioner who violates this resale policy or is affiliated with a website that violates this policy. Repeated violations may result in immediate cancellation of a practitioner’s account with CINHM.